Monday, March 26, 2012

OH NO! Please help!

One of my IT guys "disabled" the "BUILTIN\Administrator" account in SQL
server and now we can't connect to the server using Enterprise Manager.
None of the other logins have administration privileges.
How can we either re-enable the account or get administrative access to
SQL server?
--DaveIf you are running in mixed security mode you can use sa.
Christian Smith
"Dave Navarro" <dave@.dave.dave> wrote in message
> One of my IT guys "disabled" the "BUILTIN\Administrator" account in SQL
> server and now we can't connect to the server using Enterprise Manager.
> None of the other logins have administration privileges.
> How can we either re-enable the account or get administrative access to
> SQL server?
> --Dave|||In article <elZTG3m8DHA.2752@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl>,
> If you are running in mixed security mode you can use sa.
Tried it and it didn't work.
I had already installed Service Pack 3, but I don't think it was 3a.
The knowledge base seems to indicate that re/installing the service pack
will enable/create the BUILTIN/Administrator account.
Is that correct?
--Dave|||Also, is it the BUILTIN\Administrator user or the BUILTIN\Administrators
group? If it is the user than the group should still be there unless
removed. What about the user that SQL is running under? Was it explicitly
given access or was it using the BUILTIN access?
"Dave Navarro" <dave@.dave.dave> wrote in message
> One of my IT guys "disabled" the "BUILTIN\Administrator" account in SQL
> server and now we can't connect to the server using Enterprise Manager.
> None of the other logins have administration privileges.
> How can we either re-enable the account or get administrative access to
> SQL server?
> --Dave|||SP3 and SP3a are pretty much the same. 3a is only there if you couldn't get
3 to install. Which article said you the SP would fix this? Do you have a
link? Also, how did sa not work? What did you try to do? The
BUILTIN\Adminsitrators is completely different from SQL security model that
sa uses. If you have the password you should be able to access the system
using SA.
Christian Smith
"Dave Navarro" <dave@.dave.dave> wrote in message
> In article <elZTG3m8DHA.2752@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl>,
> says...
> Tried it and it didn't work.
> I had already installed Service Pack 3, but I don't think it was 3a.
> The knowledge base seems to indicate that re/installing the service pack
> will enable/create the BUILTIN/Administrator account.
> Is that correct?
> --Dave|||
I looked over most of the articles in this query and almost every single
one of them says to install/re-install the service pack to fix security
My train of thought was to try it and see what happens...
I was able to get in using info from the following article:
We're back up and running now.
Thanks for taking the time to help, it's deeply appreciated.
In article <eG76HDn8DHA.3404@.TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl>,
> SP3 and SP3a are pretty much the same. 3a is only there if you couldn't g
> 3 to install. Which article said you the SP would fix this? Do you have
> link? Also, how did sa not work? What did you try to do? The
> BUILTIN\Adminsitrators is completely different from SQL security model tha
> sa uses. If you have the password you should be able to access the system
> using SA.
> Christian Smith
> "Dave Navarro" <dave@.dave.dave> wrote in message

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