Monday, February 20, 2012

ODBC Link to SQL 2005

I am trying to link table to Access 2003 from SQL 2005
Some tables come across ok but others just have the word deleted in all the
Any ideas?Maybe these table have a missing primary key or you using a type of field -
such as BIGINT - which is incompatible with Access. Nullable bit value (Bit
field without a default value and that can be set to Null) and some out of
range precision for decimal/currency type can also be troublesome.
You should make a copy of these tables and start removing the fields until
you find the offensive one(s).
Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)
"Newbie" <> wrote in message
>I am trying to link table to Access 2003 from SQL 2005
> Some tables come across ok but others just have the word deleted in all
> the fields
> Any ideas?
>|||Hi, I needed to figure this out too. Evidently, use of bigint (or other
floating) used as a key will not produce an updateable link. In access, you
probably don't want to anyway, but it would be nice to see the data instead
of #Delete splattered all over the screen. My solution: Set up a query
(simple select *), and change the Recordset Type property to Snapshot. Use
this snapshot query as a source to any subsequent work.
"Newbie" wrote:

> I am trying to link table to Access 2003 from SQL 2005
> Some tables come across ok but others just have the word deleted in all th
> fields
> Any ideas?
>|||you just need to use Access DAta Projects
all this linking crap is called 'unnecessary complexity'
"phillips001" <> wrote in message[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi, I needed to figure this out too. Evidently, use of bigint (or other
> floating) used as a key will not produce an updateable link. In access,
> you
> probably don't want to anyway, but it would be nice to see the data
> instead
> of #Delete splattered all over the screen. My solution: Set up a query
> (simple select *), and change the Recordset Type property to Snapshot.
> Use
> this snapshot query as a source to any subsequent work.
> "Newbie" wrote:
>|||Everyone please note that Aaron is attempting to impersonate one of
our regular posters again. Tom would never post such a message.
See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips and tutorials.
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"Tom Wickerath" <> wrote in message
> you just need to use Access DAta Projects
> all this linking crap is called 'unnecessary complexity'
> "phillips001" <> wrote in message

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