Monday, February 20, 2012

ODBC in SQL Query Analyzer

Is there any way to use an ODBC data source in MS SQL Query Analyzer? I
need to join an MS SQL table with a table from a non MSSQL database.
DTS would allow me to import the alient table but I want to avoid that,
if possible.
thanks"EoRaptor013" <> wrote in message
> Is there any way to use an ODBC data source in MS SQL Query Analyzer? I
> need to join an MS SQL table with a table from a non MSSQL database.
> DTS would allow me to import the alient table but I want to avoid that,
> if possible.
> thanks

Check out sp_addlinkedserver and "Configuring Linked Servers" in Books
Online - you can define a link to a data source on the MSSQL server, then
query it directly with TSQL.

Simon|||Check out the OPENROWSET function if your external datasource is also
OLE DB compatible. (There is, I think, is a OLE DB provider for ODBC
so you should be able to use this).

David Rowland
For a good monitor for Users and Server usage, try DBMonitor

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